Nabil Assaf

Camera Crew - Zyara to Yemen

Nabil Assaf is a multidisciplinary artist born and based in Beirut, Lebanon. After studying in France and obtaining his degree in Hotel Management in 2006, Nabil finds himself back in Lebanon, but with a new ambition: the Arts. In 2008 he delves into the world of cameras and quickly becomes a core member in many projects, especially the ones with challenging set-ups and rigs. He also builds his container studio in the mountains where he practices his passion for graffiti, small scale artisanal carpentry, and many other media. This artistic Time Capsule quickly becomes an immediate reflection of his diverse and immersive bodies of work.

My Zyara experience pushed me to pay attention to the fact that our individual perception of humanity is really at stake, no matter how much our hearts may harden through tough experiences, we need to keep it open for others.

Emile Aouad

Sound Mix and Design - Zyara S7

Music Composer, Sound Designer, and Instructor at Saint Joseph University/ IESAV.  His musical style is a mix of oriental and occidental musical backgrounds he grew up with. His work as a music composer and sound designer covers documentaries, fiction films, Series,  programs, and commercials.

Zyara… A symphony of emotions that never stops shedding light on the sufferings of beautiful souls while carrying them and us, through a myriad of poetic images, to the real meaning of life.

Elie Barakat

Set Photography - Zyara S5 to S7

Known as Noir, he is a poetic visual artist known for his passion to keep memories alive. As a director and photographer, he believes in the power of observation and express his pursue for beauty through imperfection: To capture every day’s life, as it exists and to let it unfold.

For me, Zyara is a therapy for delivering droplets of hope as well as suggestions for change through storytelling. When someone really observes and listens, we heal.

Ghina Abboud

Behind the Scenes - Zyara S6/S7

Ghina is an Arabic name that means singing, to sing; and I am a filmmaker. Two years ago, I decided to put aside my camera and be involved in manual labor as part of my discernment with the Little Sisters of Jesus. Two years that changed me, that taught me to be human, minimal and true to myself. Now as I come back to filmmaking, I can’t but feel the urge to be as authentic in filming, as I was when I let go of the camera. I wish through my work that I can deliver the blessing that I felt during these two years.

Entering one’s house, precisely where Zyara is entering, demands a lot of tenderness, attentiveness, modesty, and knowledge. Zyara makers are honestly taking off their shoes, and I cherish them not only for this, but because they started and continued this beautiful adventure with the simplicity of a visit. Thus, all started with a visit.

Rana Daou

Translator - Zyara S7

Rana Daou is a professional translator and interpreter. She juggles four languages, her native Arabic along with French, English, and Spanish. Her journey started in 2003 after she graduated with a master’s degree from the renowned Ecole de Traducteurs et d’Interpretes de Beyrouth (ETIB). She worked in a wide array of fields ranging from political, to military, to legal; nevertheless, her favorite – although most challenging – jobs are those of arts and humanities. This is when words are more than just letters, but rather vectors of emotions and connections. Being the bridge between a psychologist and their client, a poet and their readers, a play character and their audience can only succeed using a generous mix of all five senses. Rana is also a professional voice coach for singing and spoken speech, she was trained at the Ecole Richard Cross Paris. Ila al liqaa, a bientot, see you soon, hasta luego!

Zyara to me is like a grounding mediation I may say. Raw humanity reminding me of the golden rule: it is love that makes the world go round!

Marie Lamaa

Head of School Communications - Zyara S7

Working in the field of heritage for over 20 years in France and Lebanon, Marie joined our team because she deeply believes in the values promoted by our work. A healthy and rich society is built on accepting and welcoming others in all their differences and originality.

Five minutes which tells a story, a fight, sometimes a whole life, but above all a victory, an accomplishment… The episodes of Zyara are a magnificent testimony of humans, of external as well as internal struggles; but above all, they are notes of hope and love. I am very happy to participate in this great adventure full of optimism and hope, especially since I don’t like defeatism or negativism in life, and above all victimization; even if I understand that sometimes situations and contexts are too difficult and can seem insurmountable.

Dima Geagea

Colorist - Zyara S7

After completing her film studies at the Lebanese American University, Dima joined The Gate Film Laboratory where she trained on the telecine process as an assistant colorist. She later moved to VTR Beirut where she gained extensive experience working as senior telecine operator and colorist with local and international directors and cinematographers on commercials, music videos, corporate documentaries, and feature films. In 2013, along with other industry professionals, she founded pixelmob, a post-production facility based in Beirut, where she heads the color grading department.

It is a great pleasure for me to join the team working on Zyara. I have been following this passionate project since its inception, and the captivating stories of the various people it featured. I am thrilled to be working with such a talented and dedicated team, especially that Muriel has always been an inspiration to me as a successful female cinematographer and professional of the media industry.

Elsy Hajjar

Camera Crew - Zyara S2/S3

Elsy is a director of photography in the narrative and commercial space. She was born and raised in Lebanon. She is passionate about Beirut where she chooses to stay.  Elsy’s work speaks for her subtle sensitivity and branches from the small city of love to the MENA region and Europe.

Being a part of Zyara is a personal constant reminder that the utmost form of strength we, as humans, can acquire is vulnerability. By listening to the Zyara heroes share their stories with the audience, I learn again and again how expressing vulnerability to others, as challenging as it might be, is a direct portrayal of their strength.

Rachelle Noja

Camera Crew - Zyara S1 to S5

Rachelle Noja was born in Beirut on April 18, 1985. She holds a degree in cinema from USJ Beirut. After she graduated in 2008, she started working as a camera assistant and then became a focus puller; after that, she kicked off her career as a Director of Photography for several advertising spots, documentaries, feature films, and short movies, rewarded in different local and international festivals.

I’m very proud to be part of Zyara Makers and very lucky to have witnessed all the stories from the very beginning till today, and I hope to keep walking and helping through this journey and listening to all the stories of life.

Khalil Abourrousse

Colorist - Zyara S1 to S5

Khalil Abourrousse is a colorist from Beirut, Lebanon. He has been working since early age in photo printing and photo editing, until he found his passion in color grading “stories and emotions” on film. He is the owner of Lilapost the post-production boutique. Khalil has been a solid and loyal partner to Home of Cine-Jam since the beginning, his unconditional commitment and generosity kept us going since day one.

To me, Zyara is one of the best and most natural/objective therapy for any tormented human being to accept and move forward with his life. Zyara teaches us acceptance, forgiveness, inner strength and success no matter how tough the journey might be.

Bachar Khattar

Camera Crew - Zyara S1 to S5

Bachar is an avid outdoorsman, his love for the Lebanese countryside led him to  produce direct and film a 30min. documentary titled “confessions of a runner”. He won several awards around the world especially in Canada “Best mountain sport film” in Alberta Banff 2020 and in Vancouver VIMFF 2021.

I have contributed in Zyara because I love the cinematic and the genuine approach that Muriel and Denise use to describe and portrait a person. Its unique, innovative, and inspiring.

Mounir Al Serawan

Screening Videographer 2021

Mounir Al Serawan has been a Filmmaker since 2015. He worked on short films, media campaigns, documentaries, theatrical productions, and concerts digital scenography. He also performed in international short films and events as a classical ballet and contemporary dancer, actor, and singer. Mounir holds 21 technical diplomas in the art industries alongside his BA in Communication Arts. Recently, he received an International award as “BEST FIRST TIME DIRECTOR” from Halicarnassus Film Festival, “BEST SHORT FILM” award from Paris International Film Awards, and 10 Official Selections on his recent film “The Leap”.

Working on Zyara with Muriel and Denise is an outstanding life experience. I don’t only film but, I also learn and grow on the spiritual level and the educational level. It is an eye and heart-opening Opportunity to see the world from an entirely different perspective.
They ignite the flame of creativity that has been dimmed and trapped inside of us for so long under the pressure of the typical educational methods in schools and Universities and liberate that flame to go outside of the box and unleash our true intuition to its ultimate power.

Jean-Claude Boulos

Screening Videographer 2021

Jean-Claude Boulos (JC) is a Beirut-based filmmaker born in 1992. He has been working in several sectors in the film industry since 2010; most notably in editing and videomaking. In addition to film, Jean-Claude has experimented in theater, installation art and design. In November 2019, Jean-Claude co-founded an independent media outlet named Fawra Media.

I have been inspired by Home of Cine Jam’s intuitive approach to filmmaking long before I became part of the collaborators. When we started working together, I was exposed to the other side of HOCJ; an aspect that is beyond the creations screened online driven by the hearts and souls of Muriel, Denise and the rest of the collaborators. Through screenings and socio-cultural events, it was beautiful to witness and document how different audiences engaged and reacted with the content and how it marked them one way or the other. I’m happy to be called part of the family and to pitch in, as much as I can, to be documenting human emotions with Home of Cine Jam.

Farah Moukaddam

Psychotherapist Advisor/supporter since 2014

Farah Moukaddam is a psychotherapist who practices at her own clinic. She specializes in individual psychotherapy as well as family and couple’s therapy. She is a consultant in mental health and psychosocial support for the employees working in the United Nations agencies and international non governmental organizations(INGO’s) who work in humanitarian section in Lebanon and worldwide.

After watching Zyara, she noticed the potential it has in terms of prevention and treatment of emotional and social therapy for people who, up to this moment, have had to suffer alone and in silence. Zyara offers a safe and necessary space for people to start talking about their pain, which in itself, is a first step to healing and starting over. According to her, Zyara goes beyond the environment of traditional therapy, which remains confined to clinics and organizations. Zyara’s strong suit is that it speaks to the entire world across the 5 continents. It is able to reach a larger number of people through its cinematographic format as well as its presence in the digital world.

Rosanna Lahoud

PR - Zyara S3/S4/S5

Rosanna Lahoud was born in July 1978, and got her BA in Cinema Radio-TV from USEK. She has worked in TV production, theatre and events in Lebanon and in the GCC since 2000. She has been a modern dancer since June 2003, and the PR Manager of Home Of Cine-Jam since 2016.

To me Zyara is a mission that I will try as much as I can to keep on supporting.

Inaam Attar

BTS - Zyara S2

I’m a scriptwriter, filmmaker and editor. In my work, I am most inspired by the rawness of human emotions that I aim to translate cinematically on screen. I’ve taken on projects from a wide range of industries: design, fashion, books, NGOs and music… anything that makes my heart dance.

Being part of Zyara team makes my heart warm. It’s a place where you can be with your family and have their support. For me, it’s connected to meaningful, satisfying work.

Lea Lahoud

Screening Videographer - Zyara S4/S5

Lea Lahoud is a videographer and interdisciplinary artist based in Lebanon. Her work often centers around the study of dualities and a poeticized/romanticized interplay of contradictions. She has shot and edited all our schools videos and created Zyara behind the scenes season 5.

The reason I am motivated to work with Zyara is because I believe that the awareness they are spreading through ought schools using their docu-series will play a role in shaping future generations in Lebanon for the better.

Rana Maalouf

BTS Editor - Zyara S3

Rana Maalouf is a Lebanese film director and editor born in Beirut in 1994. She is member of Yazan, a Beirut-based cultural association. Since 2018, she started her career in directing working on  various formats, from corporate films, music video, short documentaries & TV commercials.

Working with the Zyara makers was simply unique. Muriel and Denise respect and value the creative process and gave me full creativity over my work which is very satisfying. My favorite contribution was creating the “Zyara goes to school” short documentary, and being able to transmit on screen the impact that “Zyara” is leaving on kids in schools. This is where I felt that “Zyara” is a powerful tool to actually create a change in our society and inspire the future generation. I really cherish my experience with “Zyara” because I had the chance to get to know Muriel and Denise and the genuine people behind this mission.

Georges Yazbeck

BTS Creator - Zyara S1

Telling empowering stories through film and photography is my craft and passion.  It is my way of expressing my appreciation to the mystery of life, brilliance of our being and all the good things that I have encountered. Through my profession, I aim to shed the light on art, education, cultural and humane incentives as the core foundations for societal growth and development.

It truly is a privilege to go behind the scenes and document Zyara’s journey during the production of its first season. The team is one of a kind. The content they create is gracefully relatable and authentic. It also enriches the lives of many.
Even though it’s been a few years since our collaboration, my connection to the team of Zyara is as strong as ever. We constantly are in communal support of the creative scene in Beirut.

Henry Loussian

Zyara Accessories Creator - Zyara S1 to S3

Henry Loussian is an artist designing ornaments and faux bijoux in Hamra since a young age. He is in love with Beirut and has taken on the mission to save his heritage by gathering pieces of the broken old houses and building them again in Batroun. Henry was the second Zyara hero in 2014 and he has gracefully created the Zyara accessories line designed by Denise Jabbour.

Watch Henry’s crafting of Zyara accessories

I created this line of accessories for Zyara because I believe in the series and I wanted to offer the Zyara makers a chance to make some money and raise awareness on their work, so they can continue with their mission.

Amal Kaawash

Volunteer Translator S4/S5

I find life in arts of all forms. Writing songs and singing is how I breathe; puppetry and storytelling being some of the other ways I come to life. Arts that involve the play of light, shadow and color are also very meaningful to me; through them I feel I can express and share what the eyes of my heart have captured.

My journey with Zyara was an inspirational and unique milestone in my life. It has been a learning experience and a confirmation that honesty is the core of the arts and the cure for the hearts.

Jocelyne Abi Gebrayel

Volunteer Screening Photographer - Zyara S3

Born in Lebanon, Jocelyne Abi Gebrayel studied Audio-Visual at the Holy Spirit University of Kaslik-Lebanon and received her Master degree in 2000. Since then she has worked as Director of Photography on several award winning short/long movies and documentary films revolving around humanitarian and socio-political issues in the Middle East and in the North Africa region. Jocelyne have volunteered in many occasions to cover photographically events related to Zyara.

Feeling happy to volunteer and support the team of Zyara in the amazing experience of creating the series of life is a beautiful Zyara.

Racha Chalhoub

Volunteer Team Photographer - Zyara S3

Racha Chalhoub is a freelance self taught photographer and our friend, She has never missed an opportunity to help archive events and screenings for us since 2012.  We are grateful for her constant support and invaluable presence in our lives.

I consider Zyara to be a mine of love. Zyara  unveils new hidden gems in every episode. These gems are discovered and put into the spotlight for everyone to see how magical they truly are. I was immensely graced that I had the chance to be part of Zyara, and to be a humble part of this great love.

Patrick Issa

Additional Camera Assistant - Zyara S4

Filmmaker, Videographer, Healer, Trauma Therapist.

My journey of self healing started by contributing in Cine-Jam workshop in 2013, then in 2019 after a deep search of who I am.

I was lucky to volunteer in Zyara, it was really an alchemy changing by forgiveness stories, nowadays i am helping others to heal.

Ralph Moussa

Screening Photographer/Videographer - Zyara S2 to S4

Ralph Moussa,  26 years old.  Filmmaker and cinematographer.  A cinema lover. I love the confrontation of image existence by capturing real and pure emotional moments since the truthfulness of fiction comes from reality.

I became a friend of Zyara, their sincerity introduced me to this wonderful love and guided me to encourage my passion. And here I am creating my series “Nafas w Barakeh” to prove that humanity with love always wins.

Ghinwa Daher

BDS Videographer - Zyara S3

Freelance photogrpaher and videographer. Ghinwa volunteered as a behind the scene videographer during Zyara season 3.

I was lucky to have the chance to witness Muriel and Denise creating the magic of Zyara on set. The power and authenticity of each episode are a reflection of their authentic approach of giving space for the stories to genuinely unfold and then intuitively revealing the imagery and sounds that translate the experience felt by the person sharing their story as well as by them as storytellers.

Samar El Hage

Volunteer Translator to French - Zyara S1/S2

Translation department USEK facilitated Zyara translation to French. She holds a strong belief in the Zyara mission and hosts us every year at USEK for the celebration of international translation day through Zyara.

Discovering Zyara was a one-of-a-kind experience. Touched by life experiences and heroes both common and uncommon, I tried to give a little something to this big project. Zyara is a “visit” that must enter every house to touch all hearts and remind us that we are briefly coming to this world, and we must leave beautiful traces… An ingenious team, always smiling and positive 😃
I simply love the spirit!

Helen Waked

Volunteer PR Support - Zyara S2/S3

Helen Waked is a marketing strategist. We are grateful for her, she was our guardian angel during 2018 guiding us and supporting Zyara in its marketing and strategy approach.

It was love at first sight…I would have never expected that a short movie of 5 minutes only would be able to trigger so much feelings and emotions, so many thoughts, so many changes all around. I knew I had to contribute in my small modest way, just to make more people discover Zyara and experience its healing effect.

Mouhab Shaneh Saz

Sound Engineer - Zyara S1/S2

Mouhab Shaneh Saz is a sound engeneer. He has been in the business for 30 years, working on films, TV and web series, TV commercials and documentaries. He established Aura Sound Pro in 2010 as a rental company for sound equipment and crew hire, representing young talented sound engineers that he trains and supervises. Mouhab was our sound recordist on Zyara for season 1 & 2 and he was the first to believe in and support Zyara since the start.  

Samar Haddad

Graphic Designer - Zyara and HOCJ logos 2014

Samar is a very talented graphic designer and a visual artist with an eye for innovation and pixel perfection. Although her skill set is vast, her greatest expertise revolves in brand identity design, content creation and print collateral. She also loves coffee. 
Since 2012 until 2016, Samar is the designer behind our Logo and visual identity… working with her was an exceptional journey.

Dar Onboz

Volunteer Promo Editing 2018

We are grateful for Daronboz Daronboz, for their generosity and talent. Sevine Aris and Nadine Touma helped us create an Arabic and English promotional video for Zyara in the summer of 2018.

English Promotional Video | Arabic Promotional Video

Zeina Kettaneh

Volunteer Social Media Management - Zyara S3

Zeina worked a social media expert at Starcom Beirut and despite her very tight schedule she has made it possible to volunteer and commit to Zyara season 3 by handling its promotional boost and online targeting. We are so blessed to have met her.