Zyara S08 Makers

Farah Naboulsi

Production Assistant

Farah Fawzi Naboulsi, based and from Beirut, Lebanon. Farah has spent the past 13 years navigating her way through Beirut’s artistic, creative and interactive scene. She pours her practices into the soup pot of tv and film, theatre and corresponding festivals. Producing has been one of her most repeated jobs, along side to Art Directing and Scenography. At the moment, Farah is the festival and program coordinator of the Between Women Filmmakers’ Caravan – Online Edition (2020-2023). In parallel to her works that are deeply rooted in the fertile soils of the arts, she’s on the constant search of finding an anchor point, that merges tons of her interests, and allows her to paint new landscapes with all the colors on the spectrum. Having diversified the ingredients of her work experience and having taken slow steps up the ladder, she continues on paving the path of harvest for all her sprouting seedlings.

I consider Zyara 8 to be a milestone in my life journey.. with infinite gratefulness to every artist (hero/heroine) that welcomed us in their homes. While I observe and listen, I am struck with a sense of realisation, the heroes are the messengers, their stories are guiding me to find answers, while at times, spinning me around, inviting me to raise new questions. Being amongst the team, that actually felt like a loving family of curious siblings capturing these precious moments.. the way we circled around our hero/heroine during the Zyara.. as if it was a choreographed pattern, an intuitive dance that documents deeply and purely those heroic life stories— inspiration floods through me freely, like a glowing source, watering my seedlings, patiently, while we grow inseparably.

Shadi Rabahi


Before graduating from AUT with a BA in Audio-Visual Communication, I collaborated on 10 short films with international filmmakers. After creating 3 short films and 8 years of working as a producer, writer, director and actor, I am now working towards being a truly intuitive creator.

Working on Zyara is life-changing. It literally feels like a slowly expanding family, with every visit a family member joins, we share food, life lessons and jokes. As an artist in my twenties, I was slightly ignorant about the giants that built the idea of Beirut being the cultural hub of the Arab world. Through Zyara I was given the chance to meet some of those heroes, and through their memories, I was able to have an idea of that Beirut that doesn’t exist anymore. It was such a blessing, an eye-opening expedition into a history never taught.

Elie Khalife


Elie Khalife is a Lebanese director, screenwriter and producer whose career spans over two decades and multiple award-winning projects. Elie studied film at the Geneva University of Art and Design (HEAD). Lebanon is both the backdrop and inspiration to his work.
Elie’s body of work is primarily based on his own material and showcases his comedic streak with award-winning shorts like “Taxi Service” (1996), “Merci Natex” (1998) and his first feature “Yanoosak” (2010). Elie also directed “Single Married Divorced” (2015), a highly popular comedy. Elie’s latest project, “State of Agitation,” which premiered at the Mostra de Valencia in 2020, is his third feature film and the first in which he also stars as an actor. Additionally, he is currently working on his new feature, “A State of Distraction.”
In addition to his personal projects, Elie Khalife shares his expertise by teaching filmmaking at various Lebanese universities and offering guidance to students on their graduation projects and participating in numerous cinema workshops. Recently, he served as a script tutor for the Prelude section of the Red Sea Lodge 2023 Program.

Zyara is a road trip to discover humanity.

Liliane Hanbali


Liliane Hanbali is a film editor from Beirut, Lebanon. She has been working since 1997 on TV commercials, documentaries and public service announcements. In 2012, she opened her own production company, WAHM, taking on all kinds of film productions. Her commitment and passion for storytelling make her a pillar in the creation of Zyara.

Zyara was and still is beyond expectations on all levels, I have edited almost 100 Zyara so far, I never thought we will go this far but we did. What an emotional artistic journey!

Victor Bresse

Sound Mix

Victor Bresse is a Lebanese Sound Engineer, working from his own studio in Beirut. Victor started in the music field and soon transitioned to music production before working as a sound engineer and sound designer on films, ranging from short to feature fiction and nonfiction films. Among his latest projects, the sound design of “Souad” a Feature Film which premiered in Cannes. “Tales of the Purple House” by Abbas Fahdel premiered in Locarno and the Sound Design of “Miguel’s War” Which is still touring around the world.

Beirut is a Love Story; with an unreleased traumatic past, plenty of secrets, many whispers and Screams. I was looking forward to Watch, Listen and Work on the New season of Zyara that is specifically about some shared stories by hard working people in Beirut, from different times and perspectives. Zyara is always digging, peeling the Onion; Which is an essential process in any healing journey. I hope you’ll Enjoy the Sound and Stories…

Elias Nemer


I have been in the film industry for more than 12 years. I found myself in color grading 5 years ago and have been grading nonstop eversince. Now senior digital colorist at Hedgehog post house, I work with many high-end clients and have graded many beautiful looking commercials, series, music videos, short and feature films, and documentaries. I carry with me a deep knowledge and experience of all aspects of cinema and filmmaking. I am an expert in Davinci Resolve and can work in Baselight, and am a professional in all workflows, color spaces, and technical details pertaining to the grading and finishing process. I love working on all types of projects and making beautiful images to better tell your story.

As usual, working with Muriel Aboulrouss is always a joy. We took unconventional routes to bring out the emotion and intention behind every shot. “Zyara” was no different. Every “Zyara” had its emotion and experience from the interviewee, ranging from fear and obliteration to a hopeful and positive outlook for the future. All these emotions we portrayed in our grading of the series. It is always a pleasure to be working with a true creative professional like Muriel, who knows every person in the process of creation is an additive effect, and respects and nurtures this creativity.

Sevine Abi Aad


A citizen of the world and a teller of stories. I’ve been singing all my life and my artistic path has always been accompanied by a thirst for connection. Through singing, my core objective is to remind people that we are all the same.

Working on this latest season of Zyara has been a sensory experience for me. As much as I think I have adapted to life abroad, as much as I feel like an alien in my own hometown, Beirut, every time I start working on a new season of Zyara, I am taken back to a place inside of me, a place not many people can reach or imagine or understand, a palette of colours, smells, tastes and sounds that are the essence of Beirut and Lebanon. I carry all these in my flesh and blood. And without fail, every time I start working a Zyara episode, it all comes back out in the open. I feel human in my deepest core. I feel connected to my people, my land, my community. The war, my childhood, this messed up damaged society that gets up to fight another day, without ever giving up. This strength, resilience, humor, compassion mixed with selfish petty behaviour sometimes, all of it. It’s all weaved and so entangled, and with time and and distance away from it all – or maybe it’s just part of getting older – I look at it with more compassion and love now. You can’t love only a part of your community or roots. It’s not enough to just tolerate or accept it. You have to embrace it all. For better or worse. In sickness and in health. Till death do us part. I think what Zyara does is precisely that: showing all the open wounds and hearts of people I recognise myself in. Their wisdom in the face of what they can’t change, their foolish hope in that their life experience and gift to this great city we call home can somehow help it find joy again. And ultimately, we can find ourselves as a society again, with more unity, kindness and faith in each other.

Amgad Mabrouk

Web Designer

Amgad is an Egyptian graphic designer, with a special focus on digital publishing. He finds it a bit weird to write about himself in the third person so he’s going to keep it short. He is also the co-founder of Jazilan and its resident creative director.

Zyara is visual music, an emotional rainbow, and the human connection is the gold I found at the end of it. Thank you Muriel and Denise for this gift.

Yasmine Sheaito

Online Presence Manager

I am the co-founder and communications manager at Jazilan, the collective partnering with Home of Cinejam in their online outreach journey. My background is in translation, content management, communication consulting, and general things that have to do with words and interaction.
Backstage, I am a writer, traditional folk song enthusiast and singer, and endlessly struggling parent.

Coming from a life-long fascination and interest in storytelling and the significance of what is seemingly insignificant, I was a spectator of Zyara for years, before coincidence (or the stars) brought us together. Today, with so much gratitude I can say that I am part of this journey of storytelling, not only with Zyara, but the entire act of social activism that is Home of Cinejam.

Dalia Sheaito

Social Media & Content Manager

I’m the content manager at Jazilan, working on Home of Cinejam’s website and social media accounts. I am somewhat of a “jack of all trades”, working in translation, transcribing, teaching, research, content managing, and the list continues.
My passion is education and arts, mainly handmade arts and educational crafts, and I’m always working on applying my skills towards this passion.

Working on Home of Cine-Jam website and social media gave me the opportunity to dig deep into this journey, and what a journey it is! Zyara teaches you how to empower people instead of victimizing them, while through the Intuitive Filmlab you learn how to listen to your intuition and follow your heart – essential lessons missing from our traditional educational and schooling system. I’m grateful for being a part of this amazing journey and action.