Amar Omri

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Amar is the 11th hero of Zyara season 5.
in this video Amar tells us how she discovered Zyara
we are grateful for her honesty, courage and support. Amar talks about her own Zyara experience, Amar is a generous speaker and she loves to share the details of her emotions. Amar leads by example and we are honored to be part of her cosmic family.
In this video Amar is talking about her Zyara experience and about Zyara as a project,
we are grateful for her generosity and love.
in this video Amar would like to ease your hearts and explain that she is doing well.
It is amazing for us to see her grow and glow in such a magnificent way and we would like to thank her for teaching us how to heal. Amar Omri you are a true hero.