Guilt #5 – Kareem Nofal

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My colony abandoned me, or did I abandon it?

Artist Statement:
“Guilt, as a feeling, doesn’t always have to be triggered by external factors; it can be an automatic response to internalized rage, trauma, abandonment, or, just simply, the blessing/curse of survival. The process of “extracting” guilt into an audiovisual piece was a painfully triggering experience, yet ultimately, a necessary one for my growth as an artist.
As long as we are healthy sympathetic creatures, we cannot go through life without experiencing some form of guilt towards oneself, or towards others, and it’s only when we rise above the cruelty of guilt that we are able to feel the beauty of care and love, which is at the root of this gut-wrenching emotion.
Guilt can motivate us to change, to be better versions of ourselves, and to admit one’s guilt is nothing but an authentic expression of one’s self.
When it comes to art, I don’t believe that it is something that can be “objective” or “subjective.” Art is only there to exist. Our tastes around art and how each individual defines art is subjective. No opinion can objectively be better than the other. It is completely personal. Art, much like pain, happens once we care enough to feel it. Any art that is devoid of genuine emotion, and is only utilized for personal gain or to seek attention, is vanity, not art.”

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